• on January 30, 2021

You Are In Good Hands

 Exodus 3:7,8

            This truth cannot evade us today that He is the God not only of the rich and powerful, but more so He has deliberately chosen to stand up for the poor and the underprivileged and those who dwell on the “underside of history”! Listen to what the God of Scripture says to us through the prophet Isaiah – “When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue faileth for thirst, I the Lord will hear them, I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them. I will open rivers in the high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water. . . . That they may see, and know, and consider and understand together, that the hand of the Lord hath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it” (Isaiah 41:17-20).  He will go to any lengths to defend the poor and to meet the needs of the underprivileged and destitute. That’s the kind of God presented to us in holy scriptures.
            When many from the dominant culture choose to dismiss, deny, ignore and trample the rights of the poor and the marginalized, they must encounter the God of Scripture who has never changed his mind about justice, liberation and righteous equality for all, no matter how long it takes. This is clearly stated in our unchangeable Christian Manifesto, from Genesis to Revelation and vividly exemplified in the life of Jesus, our precious Redeemer and acclaimed liberator of all who are oppressed. Mary also makes this positively clear when she reveals, “He hath put down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent away empty” (Luke 1:52,53).
            Therefore, it is most disturbing when some persistently try to use the Holy Book to justify the systemic evils of racism, classism and sexism in any form, regardless from whatever specific social location they come. Without apology the Bible is a text of hope especially for the poor and disenfranchised, and all those coming from minority cultures envision a God who in essence, signifies liberation for all who excruciatingly suffer and who are caused to eke out a living from the margins. This book must never be used to discriminate against any other, based on race, nationality or culture. It should never be used to subjugate women to second class citizenship or to brutalize homosexuals or those struggling with alternative lifestyles. It is a veritable text of hope and liberation!
            If it’s one thing this passage teaches us today is that God sees the unseen, He hears the unheard and He knows the unknowable (Exodus 3:7). Therefore, I must be careful to point this out again, to all who have listening ears in 2021. You may be tempted to think otherwise! It may seem that you and all that you are going through remain invisible to God, but please know from this passage that God sees exactly what you are going through and are about to go through. You are not invisible to Him. He sees you and He hears you!
            He sees beyond the rich and powerful, He especially sees those stripped of status and is particularly drawn to the plight of the disenfranchised, the downtrodden, the dispossessed and the devastated. It remains the inescapable truth of Scripture. He conspicuously reveals Himself to those involved in the struggles of the everyday and relegated to sometimes very painful existence. He remembers! (Exodus 2:24). He takes a very personal interest in your case (Exodus 2:25). Your deliverance is personally, supernaturally, supervised by the Supernal One! (Exodus 3:8). He sees, He hears, He knows, and He has come down to deliver all now walking through the valley of pain, death and despair (Exodus 3:8). You are not invisible to God. Victory is yours! You are in good hands!

Leroy V. Greenaway
Regional Bishop — Northeast Region

January 30, 2021


                                                          PLEASE NOTE

          In collaboration with our District Overseers, the Church of God of Prophecy submits to the wisdom of continuing to ‘Shelter in Place’ for the safety and protection of the flock. This is to be observed until further notice and the present virus is better contained. Should the need arise to meet, we are advised to meet in groups of no more than 10, while we strictly observe the protocols of social distancing, wearing of masks and aggressive sanitizing of our hands and surfaces frequently touched.

          Please let us patiently observe these practices to keep each other safe and alive. We are reminded that we are indeed our brother’s keeper. Stay home! Stay Healthy! Stay Hopeful! We shall soon get through this! Premature re-openings of our churches seem not to be the wisest way to go at this point. Let us continue to pray, caring for each other and staying connected.

Leroy V. Greenaway
Regional Presiding Bishop — Northeast Region


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