• on April 20, 2020

Staying Connected

April 20, 2020

Dear Pastor and Members,

Thank you so much for your prayers and concern over the last few days, as I wrestled through what they have described as suspected Covid-19. For me it came on gradually and became progressively worse as the days wore on. It began with coughing, then fever, recurrent chills, aches and pain, loss of appetite and yes, the almost complete lack of energy and focus. For so many days I literally had to force myself to eat. I experienced much difficulty attempting to read, pray or even move about. All I can say is thank God for Sister Chris and family – thank God for the prayers of the saints – thank God for His protective healing grace and presence. “… with His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5).

Brethren, I can also truly say from experience, that this is nothing to be played with or taken lightly. This virus has come with a most hellish, uncanny force and intent to kill and destroy without respect of persons or position. All the guidelines and protocols stipulated and recommended by the medical experts and health officials are indeed for our own good and safety. Let us continue to observe the procedures and meticulously follow all the recommendations advised.

As some may be aware, quite a few of our saints in England and elsewhere, about 20 so far, have succumbed to this monstrous virus and died. In the Northeast Region over 25, in the last few weeks, have died from around our various local churches, with the majority being from the State of New York. Our prayers and sympathetic concern for all our precious loved ones! Let us continue to seriously pray for all that have been touched and severely affected by this insidious virus. Let us band together and pray like never before for deliverance and cessation of this apocalyptic nightmare. Please Lord have mercy!

Pastors, thank you for all that you are doing to help keep our people safe and connected. May we pray and fast with even more intensity! May we never stop praying, ministering and being beacons of hope, knowing that we were sent to the Kingdom for such a time as this.
The language of inspiration still informs the church “. . . On this day the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, but now the tables were turned, and the Jews got the upper hand over those that hated them” (Esther 9:1 NIV). Destruction and defeat seemed inevitable and intractable for the Jews, but the Scriptures powerfully declare “. . . But now the tables were turned …” (9:1). For this we pray, that the tables will be turned and for us to get the upper hand over this mysterious enemy (the corona virus) and all its attendant grief and woes. Our God is able! Victory must come!
Let us continue praying for the doctors, nurses and all medical staff and essential workers, that stand before this frightening disease daily. Yes, our God will give grace and bring deliverance and redemption. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you!

Bishop Leroy Greenaway

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