• on January 1, 2022


1 Samuel 22:1-5

             Here we find David, the anointed of the Lord, the one who just slew Goliath and who was the one divinely chosen to succeed Saul as King of Israel, now running for his life. Just a few days ago, he was basking in the spotlight of great popularity and fame, but now he is hiding among the caves and living in the Judean wilderness.

            This tells us that our fortunes can change overnight. You could be popular today and hated tomorrow. You could have a job today and tomorrow you could be laid off and then out of a job for years. You could then lose your house, car and all your belongings. Getting to the palace doesn’t always mean that you will stay in the palace. Life takes many turns.

            The more I live, is the more I realize that there are some things we just can’t learn when everything is going great, fine and nice with us. The wilderness can teach us more about God than the comforts of a good life. When God is making a man/woman, He often throws that man/woman into the furnace of affliction. When everything is good and fine and great every day, we often become unreal people. Therefore, I am learning to accept the fact that it is alright even when our fortunes change. God is working something out! Why it takes so long sometimes? I cannot say! All I do know, is that He is working something out!

            In verse three of this chapter, David makes a request to the King of Moab  to give his parents asylum and refuge as he flees from the vicious wrath of the mad king Saul, who is out to massacre and destroy his entire family. However, what piques my interest most is what David says next to the King of Moab “…till I know what God will do for me” (1 Samuel 22:3).

            The point is sometimes we just don’t know what God is doing in our lives or what He will do next, so we have to take interim measures or temporary steps until we know what he will do for us. All I know is, He is working everything out for our good. How? I don’t know, but I know He will do something!

            The end-result of God’s working in our lives isn’t always apparent. Sometimes it seems like if our lives are on hold. We seem to be neither going nor coming. Nothing seems to be working out, but the song says, “If I hold my peace and let the Lord fight my battle, I know the Lord will make a way for me.” That’s what David did. He waited on God for further instructions! As he waited further instructions came (v5).

            I strongly believe the suggestion here is to wait. Things may seem a little bit slow, but God is going to come through for us after a while.

            As we break into 2022 may the Church of God all over this region and beyond, be inspired by this thought – Further instructions will come. All David knew was that God will do something! Things cannot continue like this indefinitely! Give God time to work. As we enter these 21 days of prayer and fasting – give God a chance! I am so convinced God is not asleep. Sometimes, we really don’t know what God is going to do, but we need to stay put until He does – “until I learn what God will do for me!” (v3). Hang on in there, church. The answer is on its way! Let’s wait on God for further instructions and directions for 2022. In the meantime, stay put!

Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

January 1, 2022

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