• on June 25, 2022


Ezra 8:21-23

             Revival also broke out because Ezra sought the Lord in prayer and fasting. Not only was he an avid student and teacher of the Word, but Ezra was a conscientious “doer” of the Word. How often we want to teach and reach the world without actually practicing the Word. However, it is undeniably true that the best teacher of the Word is the one who does so by example and lifestyle. My earnest prayer for today’s church is that we would earnestly, consistently, practice what we preach, that all the world may know that the God of glory yet lives and abides in the world and is systematically at work, powerfully proactive and demonstrative in His body, the Church of the living God.

            Ezra unhesitatingly proclaimed a fast (8:21). The Word declares “Then I proclaimed a fast there at the river of Ahava, that we might afflict ourselves before our God, to seek of him a right way for us and for our little ones, and for all our substance” (v21). In this dark hour of world history, I remain convinced, that God has a right way for us to go, for our little ones and for all our substance. How powerfully instructive – that God has a right way for us to go, but we, like Ezra, must seek Him through prayer and fasting. It also yet remains true, it is not just for us or about us! We cannot be selfish or self-absorbed, but it is about our children, our offspring and all that pertains to us.

            It is about our church, our community, and our society! We cannot be contented about just saving ourselves. This is bigger than we. It goes beyond us. It is corporate. It’s about the community at large. Our vision must be Ezra-Like! It must be communal. To save our household and others, Church of God, we must solemnly engage in earnest prayer and fasting. May God help us to find our river Ahava and proclaim a solemn fast there (8:21). Admist all the darkness of 2022, there is yet a right way for us to go here in the Northeast Region and beyond! Yes, on our ways back to God’s fullness, we must thoroughly deploy every weapon in our arsenal and not only pray but – Fast!

            Ezra and his people afflicted themselves and fasted on their way back to the house of God.  This church must do the necessary work of afflicting ourselves in fasting and abstaining from the natural and physical to procure and obtain the spiritual. In God’s economy, it’s first the fast – then the feast!

           They fasted for God’s protection. As we journey through this barren and hostile land, Church, we certainly need God’s protective hand and shield all around us. They had boasted to the Persian King about God’s protective power. They fasted to ensure that power (v22).  They fasted in order not to be ashamed. They had made some claims about God that they wanted God to vindicate. Through fasting, God backed up His Word and their claims. “So, we fasted and besought our God for this: and he was intreated of us” (v23). Church, won’t He do the same for us today! Yes, He will, as we pray and set ourselves apart in fasting!

Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

June 25, 2022

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