• on November 20, 2021


1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

            Here in the last chapter of 1 Thessalonians, the apostle Paul is most careful to remind the church of her responsibilities. After orthodoxy comes orthopraxy. After the statements of doctrine comes application. Not only must we know what we believe, but what we believe must be translated into everyday living and actions. The church is obligated to know what her responsibilities are, especially in these serious last days’ time. Times that can be accurately described as cataclysmic and apocalyptic. How the church needs to continue being instant in prayer, petitioning the master for divine intervention and a move of God like we have never seen heretofore.

            In the previous chapter, chapter 4, the apostle Paul enlightens his readers on the removal of the church from planet earth, involving the return of the Lord, the resurrection of the dead, the rapture of the living saints, our great reunion in the air and the wonderful reassurance that we have in Christ Jesus. It is the chapter that gives us great insight about the “Eschaton” the doctrine of last days things. It signifies great hope for every blood washed believer. Our living is not vain! Our Redeemer soon returns. It shall culminate in rapturous glory for the saints. However, before we get there, final instructions are given to the saints defining our responsibilities in these most crucial times.

            Paul plainly points out in 1Thessalonians 5:16-18, that the church must “Be joyful always; Pray continually; Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus “(NIV). In the King James, the point seems to be made or at least so it comes across that Christians are extremists – We rejoice evermore; We pray without ceasing; We give thanks in everything. We also keep in mind that these are not suggestions or recommendations, but actual commands. In spite of all that is going on all around us – we rejoice continually, we pray without stopping, and we are perpetually thankful in everything.

            It is therefore my earnest prayer that this Pandemic which continues to stalk and haunt us, would be used by God to bring us back to the foundations of our Christian faith and remind us how thankful and appreciative we ought to be for every kindness and blessing extended to us by the kind hands of our merciful and ever-loving Father. May God help us never to be seasonally grateful, but to live daily in an attitude and spirit of praise and thanksgiving.

            Therefore, as His people we corporately and individually give thanks unto the Lord. We thank Him today for His saving grace, for His healing power, His compassionate kindness, for His persistent faithfulness, for daily provisions of food, raiment, shelter, for the fellowship of the saints and for every blessing, great and small, as He daily loads us with benefits (Psalm 68:19). We are blessed and in all our circumstances, the good outweigh the bad. He sends enough trials to keep us humble and dependent. His mercies never fail. We thank God for Covid-19 grace and for so tenderly watching over us day and night.

            Today, we send up a “thank you note” to the Master refusing to gripe or complain. We indeed register no complaints today. May we never be guilty of the awful sin of ingratitude, seeing that this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for us – to be thankful in everything. Our responsibility is always to remain thankful in a thankless world!

Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region


November 20, 2021


Thanksgiving Feast

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