• on May 28, 2022


Luke 13:12

            In our reflection last week, we were blessed by the thought that Jesus allowed his teaching session to be interrupted by the need of the woman who had a spirit of infirmity. There was just something about this woman’s pain and need that troubled Jesus into doing something immediate for her. What the devil had done was enough, and for Him, it was not to last a second longer. It’s as if Jesus was saying Enough, no more! What a sympathizing Savior!

            As Jesus stands in defense of this helpless woman, as her doctor and lawyer, he says to the arrogant, indignant ruler of the synagogue “And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?” (v16). From Him, we learn how we need to stand in defense of others, especially for those who cannot speak in defense of themselves.

            Having been physically oppressed, emotionally oppressed, spiritually oppressed for 18 years, it is easy to see how this woman felt invisible and voiceless. The fact that she even chose to continue coming to the place of worship speaks volumes of her grit and fortitude. She leaves so many of us today without any real reason for so easily excusing ourselves from attendance upon the sanctuary.

            However, as we follow the development of this unfolding drama, what strikes us is Jesus’ response to this sister in crisis. She does not remain invisible to Him. How often we see people and don’t really see them at all. Not Jesus! The Bible says, “And when Jesus saw her…” (v12). Maybe we need to take a pause here and allow this passage to speak to us again! The fact that He sees us is something to shout about! Thank God, He sees us not just as statistics to report or as another number in the crowd or as representing more money – but as individuals who count as one in need of His grace and mercy. Jesus perceives her in a most intense way. He becomes cognizant not only of her presence but of her unending, debilitating condition and what He sees, compels Him to speak and act. It moves Him. May God help us today, as His church, to see and be moved into action by the peoples’ pain all around us!

            Not only did Jesus see her, Luke says, but He deliberately called her to Him(v12). As He called her, He also spoke the most sublime words to her soul – Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity (v12). He saw her, called her, spoke directly to her, laid hands on her and healed her! What a pattern for ministry even today! Church we cannot only see, but by His grace, we must be motivated always to rise and do something about what we see.

Thou art loosed” translates a Greek perfect tense, which indicated that the loosing was an accomplished fact. In other words, it’s done! Receive it! Not one moment longer! He announced her deliverance! He divorced her from her pain and distress. He fully freed her!

To many across this Region, He is saying even now – You are free, delivered, loosed, liberated, set free from your infirmity! He has deposited strength into many, raising us up from powerlessness to power, weakness to strength, from death to life. May you receive His healing word of deliverance today. The chains and shackles are already loosed in Jesus’ Name! This remains indeed a religion of power, healing, and deliverance. We are perpetually reminded; He came to set the captive free. Like Him, we were also sent to set the captives free. However, it first begins with seeing people and doing something about what we see!

Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

May 28th, 2022

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