Luke 12:35 – 40

     In this passage, Luke the physician, accurately and carefully records for us the words of Jesus Christ in reference to his teaching about His second coming. The passage is climaxed with these words “Be ye therefore ready also: for I the Son of man cometh at an hour that ye think not” (v.40). A more modern translation reads “You also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” The Scriptures teach the uncertainty of life and therefore call upon all of humankind to live their lives in a state of readiness for the second, sudden advent of Christ to earth. It is also a known fact that while time lasts, before the second coming of Christ, death can come at any time. I find it a sobering thought that each death reminds us of how fragile, mortal, and transient we all are. It cannot be overemphasized, Life is uncertain! Death is sure! Death quickly comes and steals us all away.
    It is sometimes said that every birth is the announcement of another death. I find it yet true that death is veiled in mystery and draped in sadness. It comes to everyone, every day, every hour, every moment, death comes to someone. When it comes, it brings broken hearts, desolate homes and vacant chairs. It leaves behind a trail of sadness, sorrow, and mourning. It happens to one and all. The bible says, “There the wicked cease from troubling; there the weary be at rest. There, the prisoners rest together; they hear not the voice of the oppressor. The small and the great are there; and the servant is free from the master “(Job 3:17-19). For sure, death is universal and inevitable. Furthermore, the time, the exact time of departure from this life is unknown. No one knows exactly when they shall be called away from this life to the other. Therefore, the Scriptures caution readiness. We are called upon to be constantly ready and watching. The believers must live in a state of readiness and eager anticipation of His imminent return.
    As much as we are called upon to prepare to live, so we are also reminded from the Word of God to prepare to die. The believers must be ready to live and ready to die – prepared to live a long life but ready to go at any time. We readily keep in mind that as we live, so will death find us. It is indeed true that our lives in the beyond are finalized by the choices that we make in this present life. It is more than implied in Scripture that how we live today affects our future and our destiny. This is where we must all prepare. This is our dressing room! Reminding us all, of our mortality and the universality of death is another key passage found in the book of Hebrews – “…it is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 11:27). We keenly remind ourselves that this is where and when we prepare ourselves to meet our Maker. We must remain alert, ready and watching, especially in these apocalyptic times.
    The prophet Simeon so lived that when death came, he peacefully accepted it with open arms and journeyed on declaring “Lord, now lettest thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word” (Luke 2:29). With death staring him in the face, the apostle Paul similarly approached death stating, “For I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand…” (2 Tim. 4:6). He triumphantly testified “I have fought a good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:7). May we fully comprehend like all the saints of old that this world is indeed not our home and when our time comes, may we depart in peace joyfully, having fought the good fight, having finished the race, having kept the faith.  However, until then it is our earnest prayer that we also be found Ready and diligently watching!
Leroy V. Greenaway 
Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region
September 17th, 2022