• on October 23, 2021

Not Tomorrow, But Today!

Psalms 145:4; 1 Samuel 17:37

            On October 16, 2021, our youths from all across the Northeast Region gathered for a time of fellowship and celebration, and I must say it was indeed a blessing, being in a room filled with young Christians. For those of us who are just a bit older, it really brought back precious memories as you could feel the room pulsate with life, energy and excitement.

            This event served to remind us that “Now” is the time for our young people to rise to the occasion, to step up to the plate and revolutionize our world and our church. The generation of “Now” spoke most eloquently to my generation. They spoke not only to us but to themselves, reminding us of the urgent need to reset, renew, and revive – especially in these COVID-19 times. Honestly, it was like one generation speaking to another and not only did we get to interact with them, but more importantly they got to speak to us, and I do believe that much of what was transmitted, was graciously received.

            It really did our hearts good to see them spring into action again, as they recharged themselves and us. They reignited a spark in us, letting us know that they are here, ready to make a contribution and to go out and win their generation for Christ. They are here, ready to speak up and make their voices heard. Therefore, it is imperative that we see them not as tomorrow’s church but as the church of today, and we must also be ready to trust them and turn the reins of leadership over to them, as we stand alongside them, as they make their contribution – Not Tomorrow – But Today!

            This theme of Not Tomorrow – But Today speaks of the urgency of the time. It informs us that those we have been preparing are now ready, and we as their progenitors and mentors must be willing to bless them and unleash them.

            It is undeniable that yesterday and today’s church have made their blunders, but let it not be that we refused to recognize and unleash the gifts that the Almighty sent among us to help us with the monumental task of reaching today’s generation. As the former generation blessed and commissioned us, we joyfully do so to the next generation. May we never be guilty of not empowering and make room for the next generation, genuinely charging and expecting them to be even ten times better than our generation (Daniel 1:20).

            As the kingdom slowly began to transition from King Saul to David, I am always intrigued by David’s rise to power and prominence. As David took his position on the public stage and prepared to confront Goliath, he did not point fingers or blame anyone else for the crisis in which they were presently embroiled. All he knew was that it was now his time, and he could wait no longer. All his life’s encounters and experiences had prepared him for this moment in time, and he was ready. He calmly said to the king and all who would listen, “Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him” (1 Samuel 17:32). David spoke up and informed and convinced the establishment that they had no need to worry!

            David was young, but ready, unfazed by the noise and drama discharged from the enemy. He was so ready that King Saul had to say – “Go.” May the Church of God have the same wisdom and discernment to recognize that those who have been in training and preparation are now ready, and may we be just as ready to bless and unleash them – Not Tomorrow – But Today!

Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

October 23rd, 2021


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