• on March 26, 2022


Romans 8

            The passage begins by stating most loudly – “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus..”  (Romans 8:1). What a gospel! What a declaration! Just to think that in Christ Jesus we are no longer condemned to the eternal punishment of death; doomed to eternal punishment of separation from the life-giving One; declared incurable; sentenced to a life of misery and guilt but acquitted from sin and all its damnable effects now and forever.

            No wonder, we refuse to be silent but persist in praising Him. When you know where you are coming from and where you are in Christ, you must open your mouth daily and celebrate Him. Honestly, now is not the time for the church to hold back and give in to the terrifying forces of darkness. We know too much for the devil to trammel our praise or to restrain us.  There is too much victory within us!

            Romans chapter 8 helps to liberate us. It sets us up on cloud nine. It tells us, and it repeatedly reminds us of who we are and whose we are – children of God (8:16), heirs, heirs of God, joint-heirs with Christ (8;17). It assures us that we are fore-known (8:29), predestinated, called, justified, glorified (8:30). It affirms we are divinely accompanied, hand-picked to be blessed and securely protected and defended, to the point that none can lay any charge against us and succeed, where our God, who purchased our redemption, is concerned (8:32-34). It states, “…if God be for us who can be against us (8:31). It infers if God is in our destiny then nothing else matters! It truly equips and edifies us for powerful, dynamic, victorious Christian living!

            It becomes more dramatically beautiful when Paul makes it absolutely clear that those who are in Christ can never, ever be separated from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus (8:35). As he enumerates the various elements that the enemy can certainly use against us with great effect, he hastens to assure and state emphatically that none of these possess the force or power to succeed in pulling us away, forcing us apart, disconnecting, keeping us apart, removing or dispersing us from the love of God our Savior. We are indissolubly connected to the Divine Savior, who has removed condemnation far from us. We are now,  “more than conquerors.” We don’t just barely win or make it. We triumph exceedingly. We more than decisively win! We repeatedly shame the devil and enjoy the spoils from every battle!

            However, I must go back to verse one of this chapter – “There is therefore now, no condemnation…” Please note, we are not only called up to live in triumphant anticipation, but to live in triumphant participation now. We triumph now! We live in victory over sin now! We shall not only triumph over there in the sweet by-and-by, but now! Therefore, get up and truly live now! The Church is not only a community of anticipation, but a community of participation. Live now Church! Celebrate His life in you every chance you get. Do it Now! May we now live like we have never lived before!

Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

March 26, 2022

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