• on January 14, 2023


Luke 24:50, 51

            As we face this New Year, I want it etched in our spirits and branded in our souls that we are blessed. Intentionally and irrevocably blessed! The blessings of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit abide upon us. We are blessed night and day, when we come and when we go, now and always. We are abundantly and extravagantly blessed! He, the eternal blesser, never runs out of blessings with which to favor and overshadow His people. No wonder when Paul prays for the saints at Ephesus, he prays that God would grant them strength by His Spirit in the inner man “. . . according to the riches of His glory” (Eph. 3:16).

            Out of His riches, out of His inexhaustible supply of riches, He super-abundantly blesses us. Like the psalmist we can also proclaim “. . . my cup runneth over” (Psalm 23:4). We, therefore, speak not only of blessings in 2023 but “running over” blessings. Unceasingly, we are pursued by goodness and mercy, not just in the past but, today and every day, going forward (Psalm 23:6). He daily loadeth us with benefits (Psalm 68:19). God’s blessings upon us are not occasional and sporadic, but regular and daily. For this we joyfully give Him praise in acknowledgement.

            Let us be reminded again at the beginning of this year that the book of Psalms which we often read and treasure so well, begins with the word “Blessed.” This word is multiplied in this book. The entire book seems to be built around this first word “Blessed.” There is not one woe in the entire Psalms. As time progresses, we forget a lot of things, but I trust we will never forget that we are blessed, immeasurably blessed, and uniquely favored by the most High. He declared to Abrahan and all His posterity “That in blessing I will bless thee . . .” (Gen 22:17). The truth is, when God gets through with blessing us, there is no uncertainty or vagueness. It is real and unmistakable. You end up testifying like the psalmists and prophets and you use words like “Surely.”

            It is explicit in the Scriptures that the Heavenly Father expresses pleasure in our success and happiness. He is pleased to bless us. He wants us in a state of prosperity and happiness. This is expressly stated in Isaiah 61:1-3. It is found recorded in the beginning of the history of humankind “And he blessed them” (Gen.1:22). Furthermore, in Genesis 5:2, at the beginning of the history of believing men, the Bible states “Male and female created he them; and blessed them . . .” Also after the flood in Gen 9:1, these inspirational words can be found “And God blessed Noah and his sons” (Gen 9:1). Can anyone truly deny the fact that it is forever the divine intent to bless humankind? In Luke 24:51, Luke reinforces the point with striking emphasis, when he brings his gospel narrative to a climax by stating “And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them and carried to heaven.”

            His outstretched hands remain lifted up over His church in blessings. There is nothing we need that he cannot and will not supply. “As He blessed them . . .” (v51), is a thought that blesses me greatly. The blessings are still being poured out upon the beloved community – His Church. We remain the blessed ones. The blessings of the Lord rest, remain and abide upon us in 2023. We will go through this entire year —Just Blessed!

Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

January 14, 2023

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