• on April 29, 2023


Genesis 45:5-9

            In the story of Joseph, it is a fact worth noting that Egypt needed this immigrant. They did not know it at the time, but their deliverance was bound up and dependent on this immigrant bondslave. He needed them, but they also needed him. When deliverance came, Joseph was able to reflect and say “. . . For God hath caused me to be fruitful in the land of my affliction’ (Genesis 41:52). 

            They afflicted him without knowing that he was their appointed savior. Without him they would have all starved to death and perished. They would have died, and their posterity would have vanished from the earth. The truth is some people are still having a hard time understanding that we are all mutually dependent on each other. I need you, but you also need me. It is my humble opinion that America needs the immigrants, and the immigrants need America.

             Take all the immigrants out of America and we would most likely have a disaster on our hands. Just because some of us may have arrived here earlier does not make us superior. I wholeheartedly subscribe to the notion that this whole land – the whole world is borrowed space. We are all tenants, landed immigrants on our way home, passing through, pilgrims on our way. All of us passing through!

            Even Pharaoh, believe it or not, was a temporary resident. I know we all like to use the phrase, permanent residents, but none of us is here permanently. Saints, we are all living on borrowed time, in borrowed spaces, on borrowed land, even though we would like to think that we are owners. The very breath that we breathe comes from our source – our Creator. It’s all been loaned to us!

            I think we need to feel compelled just to remind each other sometimes that pride is unnecessary. We could as well drop the attitude and the crude bombastic sarcasm. Let us never forget the wise caution of the Apostle – “But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out” (1 Timothy 6:6-8). Beloved, before you know it, our time is up and even before it’s up we begin to realize how futile our grasp for money, stuff and power all is. It is all so fleeting and inconsequential.

            Joseph received the clear vision that Egypt was to be a source of blessing, survival and sustenance to the rest of the world. It has always been the divine intent that the “haves” share with the “have-nots” (Genesis 45:5,7,8). It has never changed.

            Any nation, individual, or church that is blessed cannot forget, must not forget the less privileged and the less fortunate. The more developed nations of the world owe a debt to the less developed nations of the world, to help and encourage them. The scriptures inform “. . . For we be brethren” (Genesis 13:8). This message is also implied in Genesis 42:11.

            That is the message of heaven and must remain the unchanging message of this church. As faithful members of the beloved community, His church, we have a global responsibility. We must have a global vision and a global worldview. Here not only does the universe matter, but each individual. We remain our brother’s keepers as we pass through, here only and always to serve and save others. This we must do until He returns. Help somebody out as you pass through. Because of the fact that all that we have is borrowed, may we be wise stewards of the estate He has loaned us to manage. It is all borrowed!

Leroy V. Greenaway 

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

April 29th, 2023

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