Important Updates

Dear Pastor and Members,

Christian Greetings, this communication is a follow-up to the one sent out on Thursday, March 12, 2020, via email. As many predicted, and we suspected the coronavirus pandemic shall become increasingly worse before it gets better. We can unequivocally say that we are living in a time when the prophetic word is being unfolded right before our very eyes in living color. Jesus our commander-in-chief forewarned “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21:28). He also reminded us “And there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars: and upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring” (Luke 21:25). He already foretold us “. . . distress of nations, with perplexity . . .” In other words, the authorities, and we ourselves shall be at our wits’ end seeking solutions for the problems and complexities that shall face us in the last days. However, he has already given us the remedy for every difficulty and eventuality we must face in these last times. He said “. . . stand up and lift your heads; your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:25 NIV). Therefore, instead of panicking and despairing the church of Jesus Christ remains calm and carries on.

Pastors, thank you for leading the way and for encouraging the saints to abide by the necessary protocols put in place by our government and health authorities to help stem the raging tide of this fearsome pandemic. We are constantly reminded to observe the simple procedures of frequently, carefully washing and sanitizing our hands; to refrain from shaking hands; to maintain social distance. In fact, it has now come to the point where we are strongly advised to avoid gatherings of more than 10 people. This being the case, it means that our churches will not be able to have services as usual for the new few weeks. How strange this will be for many of us! However, as has been noted this is only a temporary measure to help mitigate this growing crisis. Please let us comply and do our part to help keep our loved ones safe and protected, especially those over sixty and those with underlying health conditions.

In the meantime, may we continue to reach out to one another via phone and other social media. May we intensely pray now more than ever for revival and spiritual renewal! Let us remember yet to be faithful in financial stewardship in our local churches as much as possible. For those of you who do not have online giving you may wish to consider as an option.

Let us not forget the elderly and those who are sick in any way. Jesus especially cautioned and commissioned us to remember the last, the least and the lost. We maintain in our hearts a special place for the poor, the diseased and the disabled. As we do groceries and shop for ourselves, let us be particularly mindful of those that are shut-in and shut-out. Let us maintain active concern for the up and in and the down and out.

We stay calm and carry on as “No Ordinary Church” — A church relevant for the serious times in which we now live. Blessings on every pastor, minister and member! You remain in our prayers and thoughts.

L. V. Greenaway
Leroy V. Greenaway
Regional Bishop