• on August 15, 2021

He Is Greater

Mark 4:39

            Today, I really still do believe in miracles.  In fact, you really cannot be a real Christian and not believe in miracles.  The Bible, which we so avidly teach and believe, is a book of miracles from Genesis to Revelation.  We stand on the premise that the very creation of this universe is the result of God’s miraculous operations.  They tell us that God created all things “ex nihilo” from absolute nothingness.  Scriptures attest that He just spoke the Word and things appeared. Brethren, isn’t that what we still need today, for Him to speak the Word, causing things to appear and disappear as needed?  Believe it or not, that’s the God we still preach about in this church – the God of the impossible.

            Therefore, whatever it is you are going through, you must do like what Jesus says – “…if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth” (Mark 9:23).  Can I say that again?  To anyone going through a seemingly impossible situation – BELIEVE!  Never stop believing.  A miracle is about to break loose and transpire in your life.  The God of the universe, revealed in Christ Jesus, stands ready to perform the miraculous, in and over your life.  We are expected to do the natural. He does the supernatural.  I declare today, a day of supernatural wonders over your life.  May every dark and stormy cloud dissipate and remove itself from all that pertains to you and your surroundings.  No more darkness and disability – no more devastation and destruction! It is really a case of the devil having done enough!  We need for the power of the Eternal One to truly intervene, especially in these challenging apocalyptic times of the now!

            In the familiar passage of Mark 4:35-41, we find the stilling of the tempest, the miracle of commanding even the wind and the sea.  Honestly, this is a literal impossibility.  The forces of nature cannot be contained or controlled.  Yet, Jesus calmly got up from sleep, threatened the wind and the waves, charged them to settle down and the gospel writers all report greatly amazed “… And the wind ceased and there was a great calm” (Mark 4:39).  He spoke and the elements immediately stood still and complied with the command.  The devil had done enough!  It was now His time to have the floor and every demon had to back down and give way.  Just as suddenly as the storm arose, when He arose, the storm subsided, causing the traumatized disciples to no longer focus on the severity of the storm, as much as they were mesmerized by the awesomeness of this miraculous power to transform the entire landscape of our lives so quickly and so suddenly.

            Yes, the storms of our lives are great!  They blow up ever so often and sometimes every day but the thought that must be conveyed to us today, is that He is greater, not somewhat greater, but infinitely greater, than any storm or calamity that we face!  Therefore, instead of cowering and panicking, we are determined to do as He says – “Pass over to the other side.”  We are now dealing with the new crisis of the delta variant of this virus but even so, we know that He, who brought us through before, shall bring us over safely again as He did before! He is greater!

Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

August 14, 2021

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