Luke 1:68-79
I was so hoping that 2021 would have been dramatically different to 2020. However, I cannot say that I was ever misled by the Lord into so thinking. I must keep in mind what He forewarned, especially as we draw nearer to His soon return. He deliberately admonished “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon and in the stars: and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things shall begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh” (Luke 21: 25-28). Thank God, all that we are presently going through as pilgrims and sojourners down here, is all counterbalanced by the coming of our great God and Savior, who shall set everything right. Saints, may I remind you again, you are not alone, never alone! He is coming back to get us. Our redemption draws nigh! You must keep holding on!
Today I am particularly instructed by Zacharias’ song of praise called the Benedictus, as he blesses God for remembering to visit and redeem His people. In fact, the very name Zacharias means – God remembers! What a sobering thought! How many times we are tempted to think that we are forgotten! Sometimes, things persist in abnormality for so long, that we sometimes forget what normalcy looks like. We get to a new normal, like we are presently experiencing, where we wonder if things will ever change, but may I remind us, as I prophesy to some degree today, that God remembers! It may seem impossible, but He has a way of breaking in and showing up when all hope seems gone and all is pitch dark, threatening only to become worse and unsalvageable. Our message and mantra remain – God remembers! Church, may we never forget, that is what this Christmas story is all about – God remembers!
As Zacharias opens his mouth at the birth of John the Baptist, after being dumb for more nine months (punishment for his unbelief of the angel’s message) he is inspired to declare, “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people, And hath raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David” (Luke 1:68-69). Concerning the horn of salvation raised up, the New International Commentary states, “Just like the power of an animal, as it were, concentrated in its horn, so all the redeeming power of God that was promised to the house of David will be concentrated in the Messiah – Redeemer” (The NIC on Luke p93). Christ is the horn of salvation in the house of David.
Today, we rejoice in the fact that God has finally sent the Redeemer. God has opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of the whole world a fountain for sin and all uncleanness. According to the divine script and Zacharias’ prophetic word, “He has come to save us from our enemies and them that hate us” (v.71). He has indeed come to “Rise the woman’s conquering seed and to bruise in us the serpent’s head”.
Therefore as bleak as 2021 may have been for so many, we will never forget to do like Zacharias and proclaim that God has indeed visited and redeemed His people. He has indeed saved us from our enemies, and He has not failed, “to perform the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember his holy covenant” (v72). As 2022 swiftly approaches, we remind ourselves and choose not to forget, that God remembers – and that’s what keeps us fortified and moving forward. We declare, “Blessed be God,” this Christmas season for remembering us.
Leroy V. Greenaway
Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region