• on June 11, 2022


Nehemiah 1:4

            I find it admirable that although he was now living in the palace, probably in the laps of luxury that Nehemiah was still very much concerned about his brethren that were left behind. In the palace, but his heart was still very much with his people. It seems like if he couldn’t forget. He refused to forget where he was coming from. He remembered those left behind.

            It is often the case that when some people get up, they completely disassociate themselves from their roots and their humble beginnings. Not so with Nehemiah! He teaches us the invaluable lesson of reaching back to help others, the necessity of using our position and possessions to help others, putting our lives in jeopardy for the purpose of helping the brethren. That’s why we are here – to live a life that is altruistic, in service to God and humankind, to give ourselves away!

            Scriptures inform us that the third phase of restoration from Babylonian captivity was carried out under Nehemiah who held the important position of cupbearer to the king, or who served as press secretary to the King. By any stretch of the imagination, he served in high places and knew the king up close and personal. He carried clout and weight. He was set and comfortable, but somehow Nehemiah felt compelled to make enquiry concerning his brethren left behind in Jerusalem. May God help us to realize that what He is calling us to do goes so much further beyond a life of personal ease and comfort. It involves fighting for others and going beyond ourselves, assisting others in their struggles for survival and “shalom” – peace, justice, prosperity.

            Nehemiah was concerned, genuinely concerned. He wanted to know how his brethren were doing not out of formality, but out of reality and a real sense of empathy. He exhibited a Godly concern which must always be a distinguishing feature among the people of God. The truth is, can this really be a church if we possess no genuine concern one for the other?  Can we really be satisfied to know that things might be great and wonderful with us, but things are not going so well with our brethren, and we don’t feel burdened and troubled about it.

            I put forward the case that things cannot be so alright with us, if those around us are hurting and in danger and even in despair and we do not seem to even care. I find the words of Martin Luther King Jr., so applicable here “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught up in an inescapable network of mutuality tied in a single garment of destiny.” It is an inescapable, biblical truth that those who have been immeasurably blessed must show genuine care and concern for those less fortunate and left behind. This is the Jesus way! I remain convinced that this Church cannot survive much longer without us somehow genuinely being inseminated and overtaken by a Nehemiah spirit of care and concern. O God, please help us to genuinely care about the plight of the brethren again and knowing their plight, may we be constrained to do something tangible about it.

            Nehemiah with great compassion and transparency states “And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven” (v4). What are your findings concerning the state of the brethren all around you leading you to do? It cannot be business as usual! Get up and do something!

Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

June 11th, 2022

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