• on December 24, 2021


John 1:14; Revelation 21:3

            May I take the next few moments to remind us that Christianity is really “His Story.” It speaks most poignantly not only about the tragedy of our fallen and hopeless conditions, but it speaks most eloquently about our redemption from the tragedy of our fallen, hopeless, meaningless existence. Let us always keep in mind that this is not only the message of the coming of the Christ-child, but it is also the story of the “Incarnation and the Atonement.” It is the greatest story ever told – God with us, enshrined in flesh, forever tabernacling with us!

            God with us, suggests sharing, companionship, communion, fellowship, and union. He has taken on Him, frail, fragile, mortal, human flesh and has wondrously chosen to tabernacle with us as we journey through this land. Today we thank God that the curse and its malignant effects have been and will be thoroughly broken through His miraculous coming and sacrificial works for us upon the cross!

            In the olden days people of God had to go the tent or tabernacle to meet with the Eternal, but now the Tabernacle has come to us and has met with us. Scriptures also inform us that in the eternity of eternities there shall be no temple in the city of God because Jesus shall be its temple (Rev. 21:22).

           When John saw visions of the holy city, he heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He would live with them. They will be his people and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes . .” (Rev.21:3,4 NIV Study Bible).

           Therefore, as a result of the Incarnation we have Calvary, which inevitably leads to the glorious resurrection, ascension and glorification of our blessed Lord and Savior. We rejoice in the fact that God who has taken up residence with His people is still residing with us and will be with us tomorrow, returning to wipe away all tears from our eyes and bring us back to Eden.

           The devil and sin had us thrown out, but Jesus came to lead us back in. The devil has torn down and demolished Old Jerusalem many times, but God is building for us a New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:21). We who were not a people, have now become the people of God and we who were strangers and foreigners have now become fellow citizens of the saints and of the household of God (Ephesians 3:19).

           It is indisputable that as a result of the first Christmas we have a better hope, a better life, a better profession and have become citizens of a better country. It remains unchangeably true for the child of God, that every day is Christmas, and we contend that the excitement should remain 365 days of the year. Every day we ought to commemorate and celebrate the mystery of all mysteries – Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing – God with us every day! It is so much more than December the 25th. We daily celebrate Emmanuel!

Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region


December 24, 2021

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