• on April 4, 2021

Easter Message

What a glorious message we have been commissioned to proclaim and declare.  As messengers of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we preach life, the victory of life over death and light over darkness.  Not only do we preach about the crucifixion where one sees the greatest demonstration of God’s love graphically portrayed, but we also joyfully trumpet the resurrection of the Redeemer where the majesty of His power was exhibited in the most remarkable way.  He was indeed crucified but according to our gospel, three days later He arose from the dead, victoriously triumphant and is now exalted on the right hand of the majesty on high.  Like the Early Church, this is the simple message of the twenty-first century church.  Jesus is risen and has the power over sin, hell, death and the grave. In Him therefore we live and move and have our being, (Acts 17:28) according to the Apostle Paul.  In Him the devil is defeated, the chains are broken, and the captives have been set free.  In Him, there is now life, real life, abundant life.  This was the message of the Church then, and it is the message of the church now!  May we never forget, “And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all” Acts 4:33.

May we have the same great power and the same significant effect that these early witnesses had!  May great grace rest powerfully upon today’s Church as we, too, enthusiastically declare the soul-saving news of the Risen Savior! Most blessed Easter to one and all!!

Bishop & Lady Greenaway


April 4, 2021

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