• on April 11, 2020

Easter Message

Peace Be Unto You!

                                                                                                 April 11, 2020

The gospel narratives vividly enlighten us about the circumstances surrounding the first Easter. Instead of being able to celebrate openly and enthusiastically as the event warranted, John informs his readers that they had to remain hidden, behind closed doors and to shelter in place “. . . for fear of the Jews” (John 20:19).
As they were compelled by circumstances to remain cloistered and separated from all others, right into their midst, behind closed doors, came Jesus with resurrected power, presence and glory, speaking divine words of empowerment and peace. He came and stood right in their midst (v 19). He came and spoke as He always did, with the right message, speaking exactly what they needed to hear, to calm their broken spirits and to comfort their fearful hearts — “Peace be unto you” (v.19).
          Today very few of us could have predicted that Easter 2020 would have been so dreadfully dramatic and so painfully heart-rending for so many. The fact that so many are hurting and that we are not able to assemble together to worship our risen Savior and Lord, and to comfort each other as we would normally do, is indeed most challenging. However, what consolation we have from this most powerful Easter message that we preach — that even when the doors were shut and the disciples were sequestered behind closed doors, Jesus came and stood in their midst, dispelling fear and dispensing peace.

          Brethren, please know that in spite of this advancing coronavirus pandemic and even when social distancing must be enacted, the King of glory comes in and stands extremely close to everyone of us behind closed doors declaring “Shalom” which means — Quietness, Rest, Health, Welfare, Prosperity, Every kind of goodness, Reconciliation, Wholeness and Salvation! The resurrected Lord yet speaks a word of peace into all our troubled lives and times! Not to be overlooked is that the word “Peace” is mentioned three times in this short passage of John 20:19-26. How we need the message of Peace in these apocalyptic times! Peace Be Unto You!
          Easter Blessings!
Bishop & Lady Greenaway

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