• on January 8, 2022


Psalm 4:8

            I just got off the phone with a faithful sister who simply called to share her testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness to her. As she shared, she quoted for me a Psalm that the Lord deposited in her spirit which was such a blessing to her and by extension to me as she so enthusiastically shared. It was Psalm 4:8. Of course this Psalm is not strange to me, but as she rehearsed it, it came back with renewed vigor and inspiration. As it hit her as a ton of bricks, so it did me in the most refreshing and reinvigorating way. It states, “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep…”

            What a thought and an inspiration for this New Year as we have just experienced and made our ways through one of the most challenging years of our short pilgrimage thus far. Honestly, have you ever seen or journeyed through a year like 2021, as we just seemed to bounce about from one crisis to another? Surely, if we didn’t know what “Dangers, toils and snares” were before, we can no longer pretend ignorance. From a personal standpoint, I can testify that trouble and trials and even tribulations visited with me in 2021. Do I have any witnesses here? Can somebody say Amen?

            For many of us it was almost Job-like. We indeed sometimes felt like Job, as he cried out in Job 3:25-26 – “What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me. I have no peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil” (NIV). In the King James version, verse 26 is translated this way “I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet; yet trouble came” (v26 KJV). Really, that’s how it seemed, “…yet trouble came.” The truth is when we felt that Covid-19 was contained and about to disappear it just seemed to muster up more force and to double back at us with maximized strength, causing many to wonder if it will ever end or go away.

            Yet the Scriptures speak loud and clear even in 2022, promising us both peace and sleep. Philippians 4:7 resoundingly states, “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Let it be resolved that we will not lose our minds in 2022. Church of God saints, brethren, believers, family, please give peace a chance – the peace of God! Let it rest, remain, and abide in your hearts this year. Let us be determined to banish needless fear, anxiety, and sleeplessness this year. May the peace of God abundantly flow through your spirits and throughout the church this year as Paul prayed for all the New Testament churches – Grace and peace. Please repeat after me, “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: . . .” (Psalm 4:7).

            However, David not only said he will lay down in peace, but he also claimed the glorious blessing of sleep. May the good Lord help us to recover sleep and the blessing of sleep in 2022. So many lay down but cannot sleep for the ceaseless turmoil of their minds, raging out of control. David’s secret solution was this, “. . . for thou, Lord only makest me dwell in safety” (v8). We have no guarantees that 2022 would be easy or better, but we have His assurance that He will keep and sustain us “in safety” (4:8). I wish you peace and restful sleep in 2022.


Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

January 8, 2022

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