Directions from the Regional Overseer: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Directions from the Regional Overseer: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Dear Pastors and Members,

While we sincerely trust God for our health, safety and protection, we as a community of faith also want to exercise much grace and wisdom in the light of this perplexing coronavirus pandemic that is now plaguing the land. Undoubtedly, these are apocalyptic times in which we live and about which we have been preaching for so many years.

We are hereby strongly urging and encouraging all our members to be especially vigilant and cautious as we seek together, to combat and overcome this scary pandemic that is now moving across the landscape with such rapid speed and devastating effects. Please note that the constituted governmental and health authorities are not trying to create panic but to help us.

May everyone see the need to follow the necessary protocols that have been issued by our respective governments and health officials to help keep our communities safe and protected. In some cases, it may mean cancelling or postponing some of our programmed services or events.
Let us constantly keep in mind that the health and well-being of our members are of paramount importance and concern, especially our elderly brethren who seem to be the most vulnerable to this insidious virus. Those who are over sixty with compromised immune conditions and other ailments are called upon to be especially careful.
We are advised that the simple act of frequent hand-washing and sanitizing, is most helpful in stopping the virility of this virus. Let us also keep in mind that maintaining social distance does not necessarily mean social isolation. As a society of believers let us always remember to keep in touch and remain socially aware of the times and how we should appropriately respond.

May we as a church wisely comply and act accordingly. We pray much for those who have been severely affected by this viral disease. Blessings on all of us as we continue fighting and overcoming together.

Leroy Greenaway
Regional Presiding Bishop
Northeast Region