• on March 27, 2020

COVID-19 Overseer Update

March 27th, 2020

Dear Pastors and Members,

            As of Friday, March 27, 2020, at 5:00 pm, 586,100 people have contracted the Coronavirus with 26,800 people dying as a result. Here in the United States, over 100,000 cases have been reported so far with 1526 deaths. Therefore, it would be the understatement of the year to declare that we have mitigated this crisis and that the worst is behind us. This thing is serious and most insidious! More and more we are getting to realize that it has no respect of persons or class. It has invaded the palace, the congress, the boardroom, the hospitals, schools, churches and our homes. We are now all affected and as we watch and pray, let us be careful to continue maintaining social distancing and to observe all the protocols the health authorities have so judiciously recommended keeping ourselves and our people safe and healthy. Instead of relaxing these measurements we are calling upon our people to be even more conscientious as they proceed forward.

            Unfortunately, some of our brethren in New York and elsewhere have been adversely affected by this ruthless virus, therefore we are encouraging the saints to continue steadfast in prayer for them. Our God is still known as the mighty healer and curer of all diseases. We pray one for another in Jesus’ Name. It is our desire that all remain safe and continue to be wise! Should any be unwell or concerned about manifested symptoms that could indicate having the virus please be careful to self-quarantine and in the abundance of caution, alert others with whom you may have been in contact. 

            Brethren, may this crisis be used by the Almighty to transform us into a more loving, caring and praying people. Instead of being fearful and afraid, may we become more God-filled and Spirit-driven, remembering that the battle is not ours, but God’s (2 Chronicles 20:15). This crisis shall not last forever! It shall soon pass over as we proceed with wisdom and necessary caution! We are more than conquerors through Christ that loved us (Romans 8:37).

            Sister Chris and I are especially grateful for all your love, prayers, concern and care, as we too have wrestled with flu-like symptoms. Blessings on one and all! Let us be more faithful now more than ever! 

            Remain Blessed!

                                                                        Leroy V. Greenaway
                                                                        Presiding Bishop Northeast Region

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