Author: admin

Just One Touch
Matthew 8:15           I am always blessed by this tiny periscope of scripture tucked between those two monumental passages of public healing activities – Matthew 8:14,15. In [...]
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Asking the Right Questions
John 9:2             In John chapter 9, as Jesus was about to intervene on the behalf of the man who was born blind, the disciples queried “Master who did sin, this [...]
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Loving Deeply
1 Peter 4:8             As I knelt in prayer the other day the most amazing thought came into my mind and I joyfully uttered it back to the Supreme One in [...]
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John 9:1-7             In this passage John communicates to his readers that Jesus is indeed the light of the world, not by the truth-claims that he has made about Himself thus [...]
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Work The Works
John 9:1-7             In this passage John communicates to his readers that Jesus is indeed the light of the world, not by the truth-claims that he has made about Himself thus [...]
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You Are In Good Hands
 Exodus 3:7,8             This truth cannot evade us today that He is the God not only of the rich and powerful, but more so He has deliberately chosen to stand up [...]
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   Exodus 1:12             It is not hard to imagine that the Egyptians who so mercilessly enslaved the Israelites probably justified themselves in doing so. Very often, people who engage in [...]
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The Answer Finally Came
Exodus 3:7, 8           The Lord’s tender dealings with the children of Israel as they languished in Egyptian bondage for over 400 years, reminds me that we shall get through [...]
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Look Up And Pray!
Luke 21:28           It was my earnest hope and prayer that 2021 would be so much different from 2020, but from all indications and appearances my dreams of such a [...]
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             The year 2020 was not just the year of the pandemic, it was also the year of great pandemonium – with many not knowing what to do and [...]
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