• on December 10, 2022


Luke 1:29-30 

            The angel graciously said to Mary “Hail, thou that art highly favored, The Lord is with thee: Blessed art thou among women” (Luke 1:28). Luke further informs us “And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be” (Luke 1:29). Here it must be pointed out from the outset, that the message and plan of God for our lives often have a way of confusing us. At first, it troubled her and in her natural mind, she endeavored to decipher what all this meant, that she was now seeing and hearing. It is always difficult, if not impossible for the natural mind to comprehend the things of the Spirit. May God help us to allow Him to interpret the divine things that are about to transpire in our lives. The Infinite/Personal God was about to break into this sin-cursed world to reorder the course of human history in the most radical and revolutionary way and He was now looking for instruments who were available to be fitting participants in this great drama. 

            From the teachings of Scripture, it is made abundantly clear that when God intervenes in an individual’s life, it can never be the same after that. He turns it upside down. He does remarkably strange things and often says strange things that we often do not comprehend at first, but as we trust Him, the more it is revealed that He is indeed with us and that we are indeed blessed, as Mary eventually realized and experienced. 

           Today may this thought sink into our spirits as we reverently and solemnly approach this sacred season of Advent. Anytime we encounter the Almighty, we can expect the supernatural and the extra wonderful to begin happening in our lives. As the recipients of His grace, we cannot afford to forget that the same God who broke into the world back then, continues to break in even now, His supernatural wonders to perform. We joyously celebrate the fact that The Word which became flesh, and broke into our mundane, tedious existence, still dwells among us – (John 1:14).  

            It is up to us to repeatedly behold and recognize His manifested glory and to know beyond any doubt that He is with us. Regardless to all the trauma and trials of present life, as his redeemed sons and daughters, we celebrate the miracle of the Incarnation, Emmanuel – God with us! 

            As I read the entire message of the “Annunciation,” I find it interesting that Mary was affrighted by the appearance and message of the angel but, he quickly said unto her “Fear not…” (Luke 1:30). It is so very characteristic of the Lord to keep us balanced. Knowing how easy it is for us to become fearful and afraid, He is always there to quickly allay, dissolve and address the fear factor of our lives. We are often terrorized by the unknown and the mysterious, however, even when we do not understand the message and its implications, we are divinely cautioned not to fear. In Mark 5:36, even when it may seem like fear is justified, He comfortingly counsels Jairus to be fearless despite the news of his daughter’s death. Jesus says to him, “Be not afraid, only believe” (Mark 5:36). He waited until all hope was gone to give hope and to reassure Jairus that all shall well because He was on the scene.  

            Church, the truth is, after a while, God shows us that in every circumstance, if He is in it, we have no need to fear, lose control, and panic. Just do like Mary! Believe, submit and declare – Behold the servant of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word (Luke 1:38). If the Lord is in control, we need not fear! The same God that took us through the great pandemic of our times, shall continue to guide us so graciously through these most turbulent times of these last days of 2022. We therefore fear no evil in 2023! The angelic message of His divine presence is the greatest antidote to fear in these last days of 2022! The Lord is with thee, diminishing fear and making it inconsequential! 

Leroy V. Greenaway 

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region 

December 10, 2022

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