Psalm 105:17 –21
I find it strange that God delivered Joseph by having him put into prison. It seems like being in Pharaoh’s prison was better than being in Mrs. Potiphar’s prison any day. Can you imagine the misery of being tortured by Mrs. Potiphar day after day, as she persevered with her seduction strategy to defile and seduce chaste Joseph? Truly God knows how to deliver! The Scriptures reveal that “The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people and let him go free” (Psalm 105:21).
Observe with me how He sent Moses into Midian and Joseph into Egypt and yes Jesus to Calvary to preserve a posterity in the earth and to save lives by a great deliverance (Gen. 45:7). The fact is, to raise us up, He often first buries us.
Leroy V. Greenaway
Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region
August 27th, 2022