• on December 5, 2020

The Righteous Shall Flourish

Psalm 92:12-15

            In Psalm 92 the psalmist begins by declaring how good and beneficial it is to give praise and thanks unto Yahweh, the most High, and concludes by informing his readers that the righteous are outstandingly blessed and irrevocably ordained to flourish, even in old age. When we think about “flourishing” we think about flair, fanfare, brandishing, ostentatious display, thriving. The Bible declares the righteous shall flourish. By His grace we intend to do just that. In Him, we do not only survive, we thrive and flourish. Let the saints of the Northeast rise and flourish.

            One of the powerful thoughts or themes I take away from this illustrious psalm is that the wicked shall perish but the righteous shall flourish (v7, v12). There is indeed such a sharp contrast between the workers of iniquity and those who faithfully adhere to the codes of righteousness.

            In verse 7 the author makes it explicitly clear. He states “When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; it is that they shall be destroyed forever” (v7). They do flourish but it quickly reminds us that they shall be destroyed. The idea is reinforced in verse 9, stating just as emphatically that the enemies of the Lord shall perish, and all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.

            However, in verse 12-15 a counterthesis of life and abundant blessings is summarily pronounced and projected upon the righteous. May God, the most High, cause us to be ever numbered among the righteous especially in these dark days of these last days. Honestly, the more we look around is the more we realize how urgent and pressing the times are and how we need the favor of His blessings upon us more than ever before.

            My brothers and sisters may your spirits be fully re-animated as you enthusiastically read again “The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the counts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing. To shew that the Lord is upright: he is my rock and there is no unrighteous in him” (vs 12-15). In spite of all that has transpired in 2020 the Word of God still unapologetically, authoritatively, infallibly and inerrantly preaches to the faithful declaring that we shall not decrease and shrivel up but that we shall flourish and do exceedingly well, even in old age and even when all the odds seem stacked against us.

            Does this not yet excite us – that the righteous are destined to flourish, thrive, bloom, blossom boom and develop – even like the palm tree. We shall thrive, be successful, and prosper. “He shall grow like a tree in Lebanon.”(v12) It is said the cedar tree symbolizes –Resilience, Immortality, Strength and Elevation. They shall RISE! They shall rise strong, tall, excellent, aromatic and beautiful.  They resist decay and repel many termites.

            May God help us to know who we are and whose we are, at the end of this trying year of Covid-19 and all the other crises that tried to sink and bury us this year. Just in case we may have missed it in verse 12, it is repeated in verse 13, and again in verse 14, “they shall flourish” verse 12; “… shall flourish …” verse 13; “They shall be fat and flourishing,” verse 14.

            We move into 2021 fully assured that this promise of righteous flourishing has been irrevocably placed and pronounced upon us and by His grace so shall it be now and forevermore – Amen. The righteous shall flourish! We plain refuse to fade or fizzle out. We choose to flourish!

Leroy V. Greenaway

Regional Bishop – Northeast Region


December 5, 2020



                                                          PLEASE NOTE

          In collaboration with our District Overseers, the Church of God of Prophecy submits to the wisdom of continuing to ‘Shelter in Place’ for the safety and protection of the flock. This is to be observed until further notice and the present virus is better contained. Should the need arise to meet, we are advised to meet in groups of no more than 10, while we strictly observe the protocols of social distancing, wearing of masks and aggressive sanitizing of our hands and surfaces frequently touched.

          Please let us patiently observe these practices to keep each other safe and alive. We are reminded that we are indeed our brother’s keeper. Stay home! Stay Healthy! Stay Hopeful! We shall soon get through this! Premature re-openings of our churches seem not to be the wisest way to go at this point. Let us continue to pray, caring for each other and staying connected.

Leroy V. Greenaway
Regional Presiding Bishop — Northeast Region

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