• on April 1, 2023


John 4:45

            In John 4, verse 45 we find some of the most interesting words, (at least to me). It states that when Jesus came into Galilee from Samaria – “. . . the Galileans welcomed Him.” In fact, this was the region from whence He came, or was raised up. As Jesus returned there, He hastened to make the point that “. . . a prophet hath no honor in his own country” (4:44). Yet as he returned, John indicates that they welcomed Him. It was there in Galilee that Jesus walked on water, calmed the storm, and made Peter and Andrew fishers of men. It is there, where John the Baptist baptized Jesus and where Jesus fed the masses with a few loaves and gave His unforgettable sermon on the Mount. How terribly sad it is that people often don’t know what they have until it’s no longer there.

            Thank God on this occasion, as Jesus arrives back on the scene, they had the good sense to recognize who moved amongst them and they greeted his arrival with pleasure and kind courtesy. They gladly received Him, even though their reasoning was somewhat disingenuous (v45). They wanted more of a miracle worker than a Savior; a signs-and- wonders prophet and not a life-transforming Redeemer!

            Today, I sincerely pray that we will wholeheartedly, genuinely, enthusiastically, welcome Jesus in our midst. To be honest, I get tired of trying to have church without Jesus. It is really mundane, dry, ordinary and boring without Jesus! Nothing phenomenal or stupendous happens without Him. We come dry and leave dry without Him, the same people, going through the same motions, going around in circles, without Him! I declare this church is really no church without Him! We are sounding brass and tinkling cymbals without Him! A church of noise makers!

            Today, I no longer want to look churchy, pious or sanctimonious! I yearn for something more. I must have a little more, in fact a whole lot more of what I presently have. There must be a transformation from the ordinary and mundane to a more dynamic ministry in the supernatural – a ministry of and in the miraculous! It really cannot be church as usual! It cannot be as it was before Covid-19 struck, wreaking havoc on the land and in the church. The Church of God needs to have a real coming back to Jesus moment, when he shows up and begins to manifest as we fade more and more into the background. O God help us! Too much flesh still parades in our pulpits and in our pews! It’s time we return the reins and the control of the church back to Him. 

            Our text states “When He arrived in Galilee, the Galileans welcomed Him (v45). They received Him! I dare say look for the arrival of Jesus! Let Him take over. Get out of the driver’s seat! Move over and let Him! The Church – all the church needs to become sincerely – the welcoming committee! Jesus, we welcome you back into all of our operations here in the Northeast Region and beyond! Even the royal official, whose son was sick at the point of death in the passage, bowed and welcomed Jesus, and received a miracle. Jesus said to him “You may go. Your son will live” (50). Like him, we royally welcome Jesus!

Leroy V. Greenaway 

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

April 1st, 2023


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