• on May 7, 2022


1 Samuel 1:9-19

            Hannah’s days of despair without consolation were finally brought to an end by divine intervention. It teaches us that the Sovereign God of the universe uniquely cares for the least, the last and the seemingly insignificant. Hannah was laughed at, ridiculed, provoked, and despised, but her vindication finally came.

            Four beautiful words of redemption are found in verse 19 of 1 Samuel, “…the Lord remembered her”.  Honestly, church, that’s what makes all the difference in our sometimes sad and painful existence – the Lord remembered. Thank God – He remembers us in our pain, misery, heartache, grief, loneliness, despair, and desperation. How uplifting and comforting to know that He in all His deliberations and activities of upholding this vast universe, never forgets us.

            Mothers, what a cause for rejoicing and praise on this another Mother’s Day. This message goes out particularly to you today, that you are not forgotten. After a while, your deliverance and transformation shall come! By His grace, a new day will dawn. The tables shall be turned! Your grief and mourning shall be turned into joy and graceful thanksgiving. Expectation shall be turned into fulfillment!

            May I also state here that it is a matter of more than passing significance, that the word ‘remembered’ in verse 19 does not only mean to recall to mind by an act or effort of the memory or to think of again or to retain in the memory or to keep in mind. It does not only mean to recall that Hannah existed, but it also means to go into action on her behalf. God remembered her by going into action for her. Sometimes, we remember people and do nothing. When God remembers us, He supernaturally goes into action on our behalf. He performs miracles. He silences our enemies. He takes shame away. God remembers! This thought is also brilliantly portrayed for us in these various scriptural passages _ (Gen. 30:22, Ex. 2:24, Neh. 13:20, Isa. 38:3).

            The passage informs us that after Hannah is compelled to pray and knew that she had procured the victory, there was a complete change in her mindset and disposition. It states, “… and her countenance was no more sad” (v18). She knew that the powers of the Almighty were activated on her behalf. He remembered her – and went into action on her behalf. Let us know across this region, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that He has gone into action on our behalf today. Weeping and mourning do not last always. Joy comes in the morning.

            Before I close this reflection, I also want to state or point out another important lesson that we learn by inference as we reflect on Hannah’s plight – “Stop mourning about what you don’t have.” Hannah’s lot was painful, but it could have been worse. We note from the passage that Peninah wanted what Hannah had (the love of her husband) and Hannah wanted what Peninah had (the blessing of childbirth and children). They both were miserable. Peninah took her stress out on Hannah (v.6); Hannah internalized her grief (v7). They painfully terrorized themselves with what they didn’t have, forgetting to celebrate the blessings with which they were so copiously blessed! They became sad and sorrowful (v15).

            Please, may God help us to celebrate Him and that which we have until our prayers for change and hope for better are materialized! Mothers, refuse to be sorrowful! Remember to celebrate all your blessings. Choose to be joyful! Embrace every day to its fullest. You are not forgotten. Your miracle is on its way. Until then, rejoice evermore! Happy Mother’s Day!

Leroy V. Greenaway

Presiding Bishop – Northeast Region

May 7, 2022

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