Year: 2021

He Is Still Here
Reflection From The Book Of Esther                      One of the most interesting facts about the book of Esther is that the name [...]
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Alone Yet Not Alone
John 16:32           One of the most dreadful aspects of COVID-19 is the harsh reality of the indescribable loneliness, experienced by the many victims of this awful [...]
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Permission to be Cheerful
 John 16:33            Today is the time referred to by Jesus as the time of “these things.” Jesus so aptly said, “And when these things begin to come to pass, then [...]
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Proclamation and Demonstration
 Mark 12:28             Like our New Testament forebears, we continue to preach and publicly declare the uniquely, simple message of the gospel. We preach not just the gospel, but the [...]
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Praying The Wrong Prayer
Mark 5:17; Matthew 8:34; Luke 8:37           After returning from the Eastern side of the Galilean Sea, Jesus now returns to the more populous Western side. There on the Eastern side [...]
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Easter Message
What a glorious message we have been commissioned to proclaim and declare.  As messengers of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we preach life, the victory of life over death and [...]
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Remember What He Said
Luke 24:8           Once again the universal church meets together to celebrate the greatest demonstration of God’s power – the resurrection of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ from the [...]
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We Speak Life Not Death
    Mark 5:21-42       Here in this passage two remarkable miracles are described. The unusual thing about these miracles is that one seems to suspend the performance of the other, but only [...]
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A Church Where Everybody Matters
Gen 2:7; Acts 2:42-44; Luke 15              This time last year we had just concluded our first and last District Convention for the year, then almost [...]
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