Year: 2021

Fighting on The Same Team
1 Samuel 17:28-30             Goliath was not David’s only enemy. In this illustrious passage 1 Samuel 17, David first had to contend with his own brother, Eliab, who became so [...]
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From Petitioner to Prophet
Genesis 30:1, 24             While others may be satisfied to limit themselves and remain static and become dried up and anemic, the church remains driven by His powerful, unalterable command [...]
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We Not Only Testify – We Prophesy!
1 Samuel 17:46             We are indeed beginning to realize and understand more and more that the swift epic of our lives is not one thing and God another. The [...]
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Faint, Yet Pursuing
Judges 8:4             The more we approach the second coming of our great God and Savior, is the more many will be tempted to quit before quitting time. In many [...]
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Life is Too Short
Genesis 45:1-8             I want to quickly revisit Joseph’s telling of his own story when he finally reveals himself to his wretched brothers in Genesis 45. Like his unconscionable brothers [...]
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Before Deliverance Came, I Endured
II Timothy 3:11              Paul speaks reassuringly to Timothy as he incisively prophesies about the approaching evil of the last days – “But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner [...]
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