Year: 2020

Come And See!
           Nathanael’s response to Philip’s excitement and joy of having found the Messiah is very powerful and penetrating. “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?”  Nathanael asked. (John 1:46). Though [...]
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No Condemnation – No Separation
             Romans chapter 8 is one of the most enlightening and powerful passages of Scripture in the New Testament. I find it very uplifting and inspirational especially during this Covid-19 [...]
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We Are Family
          The Church must lead the charge in tearing down walls of racial, national and cultural divisions and keeping them down. In fact, the crux of our message is they [...]
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All-Nations Church
 As Luke, the author of the book of Acts introduces us to Cornelius, he establishes the fact that he is not Jewish but a more disciplined, God-fearing, religious man you [...]
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Now More Than Ever!
            As we can see and realize this Covid-19 pandemic is far from over, at least not for us here in these United States. Thank God for areas like New [...]
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Lessons From My Father
          A few months ago I was blessed to do a reflection on my father which was quite an eye-opener for me. It was called “Lessons from my Father” whom [...]
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Praying for the Peace of The City
While we are encouraged to march and peacefully demonstrate against institutionalized racism and systemic oppression and to take a decisive stand for social justice, the church of the living God [...]
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Standing Up — Speaking Out
     History teaches us when law and justice are perverted, all hell breaks loose after a while. The cry for justice, whether social, criminal, or economic — must be heard [...]
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The Jesus Spirituality!
 I remain amazed at the kind of people with whom Jesus chose to be associated and whom he intentionally gathered around Him. He did not desire to hang out with the [...]
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Fear No Evil
 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil …” (Psalm 23:4). These words are powerful! When we repeat them we feel [...]
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