Year: 2020

Jesus Broke In!
Luke 1:26-38      It has been the most difficult year many have ever experienced – trouble on every hand and side! Yet the fact that we are still here, is [...]
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We R.I.S.E.
Psalm 92:12             As the author of this Psalm seeks to illustrate in the most vivid way how extravagantly favored we are, he claims that they (the righteous) “shall grow [...]
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The Righteous Shall Flourish
Psalm 92:12-15             In Psalm 92 the psalmist begins by declaring how good and beneficial it is to give praise and thanks unto Yahweh, the most High, and concludes by informing [...]
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Beyond Measure
Mark 7:37             Today we remain the most thankful people on planet earth. Can I get a witness? Somebody needs to say Amen! Our simple testimony and declaration is God’s been [...]
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Now or Never
Luke 18:35-43           The passage also reveals the impatience and the fickleness of the crowd. Instead of being sympathetic and moved by the blind man’s earnest cries for help and mercy, [...]
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Arise and Shine
Isaiah 60:1           This present world, this sad, broken, shattered, miserable world desperately needs the testimony of the gospel. Needless to say, innumerable are the evils that beset human life, [...]
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A Disciple-Making Church
Matthew 28:19             In the passage that outlines the Great Commission it is made pointedly clear to us that we cannot be people of apathy. We are indeed burdened with a [...]
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